The recovery in semiconductor shares ($DJUSSC) last week, in my opinion, was quite weak. Much of the strength occurred by 10am ET, and the balance of the days really didn’t see much progress back to the upside. Accordingly, I’d call ...

After consolidating in the week before this one, the markets resumed their upmove and have ended the present week on a strong note. The markets also navigated weekly derivatives expiry; it did show some signs of fatigue and impending consolidation on ...

President Biden is reportedly meeting with Democratic Party leaders in the aftermath of his disastrous first debate appearance. Dougie Kass, fund manager of Seabreeze Capital Partners LP and a Democratic National Committee insider, said a meeting is being arranged between ...

Democrats under threat of losing their seats to Republicans appear to be leaving President Biden high and dry after what’s been widely viewed as a ‘disastrous’ performance in Thursday’s presidential debate. Fox News Digital asked multiple Democratic senators, House members ...

President Biden’s inner circle is nowhere to be found following what has been described as an ’embarrassing’ and ‘disastrous’ performance by the incumbent Democrat during Thursday’s presidential debate. Biden was widely panned by media figures and politicians immediately after the ...

A Cornell University law professor has called on President Biden’s Cabinet to invoke the Constitution’s 25th Amendment to have him removed from office after his weak debate performance Thursday night, claiming his ‘cognitive decline’ is a ‘national security threat.’  ‘This ...

Presidential debates changed television. ‘You want to put a lot of new Supreme Court justices – radical left!’ hollered former President Trump at President Biden during the 2020 debate. ‘Will you shut up man?’ implored Mr. Biden. And television changed ...

A bipartisan group of House lawmakers is set to introduce a resolution calling on President Biden to declare the month of July as ‘American Patriotism Month.’ The resolution, which recognizes the U.S. as the ‘greatest country on Earth’ and aims ...

Democrats were forced to grapple with a whirlwind of chaos on Capitol Hill Friday after many were left frustrated by President Biden’s debate performance on Thursday night. ‘I think the emotions of the night were basically disappointment, anger, and then ...

Independent and Republican voters in Fox News Digital’s focus group appeared to have mixed reactions to President Biden and former President Trump’s sparring over their respective cognitive abilities and golf handicaps, while Democrats generally disapproved. During the CNN Presidential Debate ...